1. B.Sc (M.P.C) TM & EM
2.B.Sc (C.B.Z) TM & EM and Intermediate( M.P.C) TM & EM
3.Under Cluster Elective III (Organic Spectroscopic Techniques, Advanced Organic Reactions, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry) were offered in 6th Semester.
PG Courses :
M.S.C (Organic Chemistry)
Add on courses - Earn while you learn and Food Adulteration.Activities : -
- Offer Career guidance to the students
- Conduct study/educational tours to industrial areas for the betterment of students.
- Provide Study Material and Periodicals/Magazines/Books for academically bright students.
- Allow the students to use Departmental Library/Net facility in the Department.
- Organize Guest Lectures
- Remedial Classes will be conducted for Academically Challenged Students.